Thursday, January 20, 2011

Discovered Attacks

Most of you got the idea of today's lesson. You move a piece to uncover the power of another. But some of you did not realize the power of this type of move. I said it is the most powerful move in chess. If it is a discovered check, the piece in front becomes SUPERMAN!! - nothing can harm him because your opponent has to get out of check.

Take problem 1 for example. When the white Bishop moves, he becomes superman because of the discovered check by the rook. Black has to get out of check and can pay no attention to the Bishop! Therefore you can be BOLD with Bishop - Bxb6+. It looks like it can be taken by a pawn, a knight or the queen - but no!!! He's in check!! After Black gets out of check, we take his Queen!

In problem 3, no one completely solved it. There are two possible solutions. First notice that the knight on c3 holds back the power of the Bishop on b2. That Bishop and the Rook on g1 are both aiming at g7 by the Black King.

Some of you suggested Nxd5 and after Black takes the knight (with Bishop, pawn or Knight) you can play Rxg7+. So you've gained a pawn but lost a knight at this point. You need to show me how that helps.

REVERSE THE ORDER Sometimes when you find a couple of interesting moves (like Nxd5 and Rxg7), it's worthwhile to try switching the order around. What would happen if you played Rxg7 first? After figure out both orders, which one do you think works best?

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