Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Upper School Ratings and Standings

Please return your Media Release forms if you want to see your name here.

Seth 5-0-0
xxx 2-1-0
xxx 4-1-0
xxx 1-2-0
Bobby 3-2-0
xxx 2-4-0
xxx 2-1-0
xxx 0-8-0
xxx 0-0-0
xxx 0-0-0

First Last 4-29
xxx xxx 939
Andy Hogan 900
Seth Xiong 852
xxx xxx 800
xxx xxx 694
Bobby Fraser 687
xxx xxx 628
xxx xxx 644
xxx xxx 369
xxx xxx 261
xxx xxx 119

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Upper School Ratings

Let's get those "Media Release" forms back so I can put your names in below. Let's get the green chart filled out as much as we can. Set clocks for 30 min each and always play with the touch-move rule. Touch a piece - you must move it. Let go - your turn is done. Touch a piece with intent to capture with either your hand or your piece and you must capture. Think completely before touching a piece.


Lower School Ratings and Tournament Standings


First Name Last Name 24-Apr
Annabel Yang 554
Luche Yang 553
Bailey Arrigoni 520
Caleb Vang 508
Aidan Rohr 487
Michael Davis 476
Christopher Lamb 436
Ronan Davis 410
Sergio Rice 397
Elvis Xiong 366
Ariel Vang 334
Daniel Lee 327
Grace Chaves 310
Samuel Bryant 310
Victor Rojas 302
Dylan Weldon 298
Agur Xiong 263
Eric Albrecht 257
Joseph Rambo 256
Aailiyah Vang 215
Dimitrios Balasis 208
Jeremy Rubio 185
Haely Thao 183
Kongmeng Thao 178
Mai Chang Lee 165
Ailia Kostohris 158

Victor Xiong 158
Dylan McGlade 157
Jaylynn Arrigoni 148
Wanchai Anuyun 140
Michael Balasis 126
Benjamin Yang 126
Cristian Perez 124
Dealir Lee 124
Adam Xiong 113
Kyannah Arrigoni 105
Skylar Nicks 105

Tournament Standings
W=win L=loss D=Draw H=half pt bye B=bye U=Unplayed F=forfeit A=probable assignment

Num Name Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Total
2 Luche Yang W21b W11w A6b 2
3 Annabel Yang W23w W15b A16w 2
4 Caleb Vang W25b W14w A8b 2
6 Michael Davis W26w W17b A2w 2
7 Christopher Lamb W27b W16w A3b 2
8 Ronan Davis W28w W19b A4b 2
30 Kongmeng Thao W37 W12b A10w 2
1 Bailey Arrigoni W20w D10b A5w 1.5
5 Aidan Rohr H W13w A1b 1.5
10 Elvis Xiong W31b D1w A30b 1.5
9 Sergio Rice H D18b A17w 1
11 Daniel Lee W29w L2b A18w 1
14 Ariel Vang W32w L4b A19w 1
15 Grace Chaves W33b L3w A16b 1
16 Victor Rojas W34w L7b A15w 1
17 Agur Xiong W35b L6w A9b 1
18 Eric Albrecht H D9w A11b 1
19 Joseph Rambo W38b L8w A14b 1
34 Victor Xiong L16b W35w A27b 1
12 Dylan Weldon H L30w A31b 0.5
13 Samuel Bryant H L5b A28w 0.5
20 Aailiyah Vang L1b H A29w 0.5
21 Dimitrios Balasis L2w H A33b 0.5
22 Jeremy Rubio H U A32w 0.5
23 Haely Thao L3b D31w A36b 0.5
24 Jaylynn Arrigoni H U A37b 0.5
25 Mai Chang Lee L4w D32b A38w 0.5
26 Dylan McGlade L6b D33w A39b 0.5
27 Ailia Kostohris L7w H A34w 0.5

L8b D39w A13b 0.5
29 Wanchai Anuyun L11b D36w A20b 0.5
31 Adam Xiong L10w D23b A12w 0.5
32 Benjamin Yang L14b D25w A22b 0.5
33 Dealir Lee L15w D26b A21w 0.5
36 Michael Balasis F D29b A23w 0.5
37 Kyannah Arrigoni L30 H A24w 0.5
38 Skylar Nicks L19w H A25b 0.5
39 Yuwpheng Yang H D28b A36w 0.5
35 Cristian Perez L17w L34b B 0

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


As soon as I have permission from your "Media Release" form, your name will appear below.

First Last 22-Apr
Andy Hogan 915

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Tournament Standings after Round 1

Tournament Standings after Round 1

Num First Name Last Name Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Total
1 Bailey Arrigoni W20w 1
2 Luche Yang W21b 1
3 Annabel Yang W23w 1
4 Caleb Vang W25b 1
6 Michael Davis W26w 1
7 Christopher Lamb W27b 1
8 Ronan Davis W28w 1
10 Elvis Xiong W31b 1
11 Daniel Lee W29w 1
14 Ariel Vang W32w 1
15 Grace Chaves W33b 1
16 Victor Rojas W34w 1
17 Agur Xiong W35b 1
19 Joseph Rambo W38b 1
30 Kongmeng Thao W37 1
5 Aidan Rohr H 0.5
9 Sergio Rice H 0.5
12 Dylan Weldon H 0.5
13 Samuel Bryant H 0.5
18 Eric Albrecht H 0.5
22 Jeremy Rubio H 0.5
24 Jaylynn Arrigoni H 0.5
20 Aailiyah Vang L1b 0
21 Dimitrios Balasis L2w 0
23 Haely Thao L3b 0
25 Mai Chang Lee L4w 0
26 Dylan McGlade L6b 0
27 Ailia Kostohris L7w 0

L8b 0
29 Wanchai Anuyun L11b 0
31 Adam Xiong L10 0
32 Benjamin Yang L14b 0
33 Dealir Lee L15w 0
34 Victor Xiong L16b 0
35 Cristian Perez L17w 0
36 Michael Balasis F 0
37 Kyannah Arrigoni L30 0
38 Skylar Nicks L19w 0

Ratings After Apr 17
First Name Last Name 17-Apr
Annabel Yang 542
Luche Yang 540
Bailey Arrigoni 521
Caleb Vang 516
Aidan Rohr 472
Michael Davis 462
Christopher Lamb 419
Ronan Davis 393
Sergio Rice 376
Elvis Xiong 355
Ariel Vang 338
Daniel Lee 330
Dylan Weldon 315
Samuel Bryant 315
Grace Chaves 312
Victor Rojas 309
Agur Xiong 267
Joseph Rambo 262
Eric Albrecht 247
Aailiyah Vang 215
Dimitrios Balasis 208
Jeremy Rubio 185
Haely Thao 180
Mai Chang Lee 161
Ailia Kostohris 158
Dylan McGlade 153
Kongmeng Thao 151
Jaylynn Arrigoni 148
Victor Xiong 137
Cristian Perez 135
Wanchai Anuyun 135
Michael Balasis 121
Benjamin Yang 120
Dealir Lee 118
Adam Xiong 106
Kyannah Arrigoni 105
Skylar Nicks 105

Thursday, April 10, 2014

4-10 ratings

Here are the ratings perhaps you can figure out who you are. Mr. Hogan has taken the lead.
688 absent
410 signed up but has not yet come this session
132 he may have signed up for something else
100 has never come but signed up

In grades 2-4 a 4th grade girl has take the lead. We now have 4 players over 500!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Tournament Results

Wow! Congratulations to one of our 6th graders who had 4 wins and received an outstanding performance medal (formerly a golden knight award). He has now earned his Silver Medal.

Congratulations to a 2nd grader who had 3 wins, 2 draws and no losses and won the novice trophy! He has now earned his Bronze Medal! His rating went sky-high and only one boy in our chess club is ahead of him.

The other second grader that participated Saturday raised his rating by 5 points.

Listen for the announcements at school if you want to know who these chess players are.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Tournament April 5

Although this isn't a tournament the school is helping fund or providing a bus, this is a good tournament for top players. Why? Because the top 16 players are competing in their own sections. Those are the 16 kids that usually get the trophies, so this tournament allows top players a chance for a trophy.
April 5, 2014 Metcalf Jr High in Burnsville. Should be done by 3:30. Cost - $18. Register on-line or on-site before 8:30 See me there and I'll help you get registered since I have your membership cards.

There is a 5th grade girl who earned her bronze medal at the 2-day statewide tournament at Minnehaha and would receive it if she comes. We also have several players who could earn a medal at this tournament, but you'd have to wait until the fall to receive it.

Hope to see some of you there.