Sunday, November 30, 2014

Junior High League Chess

Once again we'll be participating in the Jr High League Chess.
Take a look at my blog from last year - it's got some great positions from last year. See if one of your games is included. See if you can solve the problems. Click here 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Chess Sets For Sale, Update

If you'd like a chess set like the ones we use at club, with a nicer  carrying case with handles and a sleeve for the board, let me know. Cost is $10 which is at least $22 less that you can get one anywhere else! (I got a discount for being a regular purchaser, another discount for ordering bulk, and we all share the shipping costs.)

I ordered only Black this time. Click here for a
Picture of set

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Ratings after Nov 13

Note that I've added a new link to chess24 - a great way to improve your chess game

Farnsworth Lower

Initials 13-Nov
LuY 571
RD 435
ES 395
ArV 351
SB 314
VX 181
JA 157
DM 144
DL 140
HV 127
CX 126
KnY 126
KA 126
MM 126
WT 125
CY 121
JaC 114
AlL 110
AnL 110
AS 110
CC 110
DS 110
DV 110
JB 110
JM 110
JV 110
LiY 110
NV 110
NL 110
ST 110
SX 110
SN 110
TL 110
AnV 105
ET 105
JyV 105
RY 105
YT 105
KlY 102
AC 100
AY 100
JnC 100
JrC 100
LB 100
TM 100
VK 100
ZX 100

Farnsworth Upper

Name 13-Nov
Seth 1007
Bobby 836
Shyion 830
Phil 714
Simon 664
Victoria 652
Annabel 621
Steven  611
Caleb V 584
Caleb G 501
Haiszhong 494
Dineth 487
Daniel 412
Thomas 400
Jorgen 382
Aailiyah 275
Kong 257
Alexander 238
Ki Seng 210
DeShawn 200
Kaw 172
Shiney 163
Chance 154
Keyon 146
Pacee 143
Robert 141
Cianna 129
Jaquan 126
Chao 115
Benjamin 114
Kelvin 113
Kou 108
Pang Nong 105
Isaac 103
James 100
Pa Xia 100
Liam  100
Johnny 100
Malia 100
Mai Pa 100
Anthony 100

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Upper School Ratings and Tournament schedule

Here are some tournaments you can go to. (I will have to negotiate with the school for fees and buses.)
We will also join the Jr. High League again which meets on other Saturdays in Jan and Feb .

Dec 13 Burnsville Metcalf Grade Level - we will field teams of 3 or more at all grades we can
Jan 10 Burnsville Team vs Team top 5 plus everyone else in the open section (optional)
Feb 21 Washington Tech St. Paul Statewide Grade Level
March 7 SCA Jr. High Championships (5-8 only)
March 14-15 Statewide Elementary at Breck (K-6 only)
Mar 23-25 St. Catherine's MSCA Official State Championships (5-8 only)

For more tournaments see

Welcome back athletes!
Name Rating
Seth 1007
Shyion 830
Bobby 811
Phil 714
Victoria 647
Simon 634
Annabel 621
Steven  611
Caleb V 584
Caleb G 545
Dineth 495
Haiszhong 494
Thomas 400
Daniel 394
Jorgen 382
Aailiyah 274
Alexander 238
Kong 224
Ki Seng 210
DeShawn 186
Kaw 176
Robert 155
Shiney 154
Keyon 146
Pacee 143
Jaquan 138
Cianna 129
Chance 116
Benjamin 114
Kelvin 113
Chao 111
Kou 108
Pang Nong 105
Isaac 100
James 100
Pa Xia 100
Liam  100
Johnny 100
Malia 100
Mai Pa 100
Anthony 100

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Ratings after Nov 6 Lower and Upper Schools

Lower School

Today is the first day I gave attendance points. Next week you will get points for winning.
Initials 6-Nov
LuY 565
RD 427
ES 379
ArV 346
SB 314
VX 162
JA 152
DL 152
DM 144
CY 116
JaC 114
CC 105
NL 105
AlL 105
MM 105
JM 105
DS 105
ET 105
ST 105
AnV 105
DV 105
JyV 105
NV 105
CX 105
SX 105
KY 105
RY 105
KA 105
SN 105
LB 105
JB 105
AC 105
JnC 105
VK 105
AnL 105
TL 105
AS 105
WT 105
YT 105
HV 105
JV 105
AY 105
LiY 105
TM 100
ZX 100
JrC 100

Upper School
Seth 1007
Bobby 745
Phil 714
Victoria 618
Annabel 621
Steven  611
Caleb V 566
Caleb G 567
Haiszhong 494
Dineth 495
Thomas 400
Jorgen 382
Daniel 381
Aailiyah 274
Alexander 238
Ki Seng 210
Pacee 143
DeShawn 150
Kevin 150
Robert 147
Keyon 146
Kaw 163
Jaquan 138
Shiney 128
Pang Nong 110
Benjamin 114
Chance 119
Kelvin 113
Isaac 105
Chao 106
James 100
Pa Xia 100
Liam  100
Kou 100
Johnny 100
Malia 100
Mai Pa 100
Anthony 100

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Need a Chess Set?

I'll be ordering sets soon like the ones we use at school. Pieces board and carrying case for $15 or less depending on how many orders I get. I hope to get them for $12 if I get 10 orders from all my schools.
Let me know what color board and case (black, green, blue, dark red) Here's a link so you can see what you're getting.