Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Middle School State Championship

Mar 11 - Metcalf Middle School, Burnsville
Make sure that date is OK with your parents.
We'll Meet at School as before at 8:00 and return to Farnsworth around 3:00.
Those in Red have expressed interest in participating. Looks like we'll have a pretty good team.
INIT 28-Feb
CaV 923
LY 845
ES 776
TC 758
PeX 757
LaX 665
ST 651
AY 533
ViX 443
WT 435
JrC 415
JnV 396
DmB 372
VKX 299
EA 287
LuX 255
LL 121
JH 113

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Feb 23 Ratings

Tournaments coming up 
March 11 for 5-8 grades at Metcalf Middle School
April 8-9 for grades 3-6 at The Breck School
INIT 23-Feb
CaV 904
LY 845
ES 781
PeX 757
TC 724
ST 651
LaX 626
AY 533
WT 435
ViX 415
JrC 412
DmB 372
JnV 348
VKX 322
EA 287
LuX 255
LL 121
JH 102
Rank Init 23-Feb
1 DT 362
2 JoL 320
3 GY 258
4 EtX 239
5 TKY 218
6 GV 217
7 LR 202
8 CY 201
9 CV 193
10 AlT 183
11 PY 180
12 JoT 170
13 YuY 165
14 LjH 159
15 KoX 156
16 BV 154
17 AnT 150
18 CX 147
19 NV 146
20 VM 146
21 KeX 145
22 KY 139
23 PV 139
24 NGH 136
25 AGH 135
26 AY 130
27 NS 130
28 EX 125
29 JX 123
30 Ti 123
31 KR 120
32 COF 120
33 AL 117
34 NT 115
35 MM 113
36 CS 110
37 KGW 110
38 Kr 105

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Feb 21 Ratings

Next Tournament -
  Sat., March 11 - Middle School Championships

INIT 21-Feb
CaV 904
LY 851
ES 789
PeX 732
TC 697
ST 651
LaX 629
AY 533
WT 435
ViX 422
JrC 412
DmB 391
JnV 344
VKX 311
EA 261
LuX 255
LL 121
JH 102

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Feb 16 Ratings


INIT 16-Feb
CaV 872
LY 851
ES 795
PeX 736
TC 669
ST 651
LaX 619
AY 533
WT 435
ViX 417
DmB 401
JrC 379
JnV 327
VKX 318
LuX 255
EA 225
LL 121
JH 110


Rank Init 16-Feb
1 DT 344
2 JoL 319
3 EtX 247
4 GY 222
5 AlT 209
6 GV 208
7 LR 202
8 TKY 200
9 CY 198
10 CV 174
11 KoX 169
12 JoT 165
13 PY 160
14 YuY 160
15 LjH 154
16 BV 154
17 NV 146
18 VM 146
19 CX 140
20 KeX 140
21 KY 139
22 AGH 135
23 PV 134
24 NGH 131
25 AY 130
26 AnT 129
27 AL 128
28 AlH 125
29 Ti 123
30 MM 121
31 EX 120
32 KR 120
33 COF 120
34 JX 118
35 NT 110
36 CS 110
37 KGW 110
38 NS 107

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

2-14 Ratings

Note: I made a mistake on the rating of ES Sat. I've fixed it now.

INIT 14-Feb
CaV 905
LY 828
ES 821
PeX 728
ST 651
TC 637
LaX 613
AY 533
WT 435
DmB 403
ViX 389
JrC 374
JnV 327
VKX 318
LuX 255
EA 225
LL 121
JH 106

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Tournament Results

Congratulations to Caleb who received the novice trophy for the top score of all students who have never won a trophy, and a bronze medal for having won 10 games in tournaments. Elvis also was presented with his bronze medal. (Click on red names for pictures)

Name  W L D bef aft chg Mer
Luche 2 2 1 895 843 -52 34
Elvis 3 2 0 819 794 -25 17
Troy  1 3 0 677 643 -34  1.25
Caleb 2 2 0 924 920 -4  12.25
Dmitri0 4 0 438 396 -42  1
Total 8 13 1       -157 

We all did not perform up to our ratings which probably means my system for awarding points is a bit too generous. This is probably because we meet twice a week, so you gain 10 attendance points per week instead of 5 like my other clubs.

INIT 11-Feb
CaV 920
LY 843
ES 767
PeX 700
ST 651
TC 643
LaX 588
AY 533
WT 435
DmB 396
ViX 385
JrC 374
JnV 327
VKX 313
LuX 255
EA 232
LL 121
JH 104

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tournament Saturday

Meet at 8:00 in front of Farnsworth School on Walsh Street. Bring lunch or $5 for lunch.
We'll return around 3:00. Dmitrios' mom and Luche's dad are driving.
Who's going?
7th grade Caleb, Dmitrios, Troy
5th grade Luche, Elvis

INIT 9-Feb
CaV 924
LY 895
ES 819
PeX 700
TC 677
ST 651
LaX 588
AY 533
WT 435
DmB 434
ViX 385
JrC 374
JnV 327
VKX 313
LuX 255
EA 232
LL 121
JH 104

LY 906
CaV 903
ES 819
PeX 694
TC 665
ST 651
LaX 575
AY 533
WT 435
DmB 427
JrC 371
ViX 365
JnV 327
VKX 323
LuX 255
EA 237
LL 121
JH 105