Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Chess Tournament on Saturday Feb 11 at Metcalf Middle School in Burnsville.
If your rating is 400+, the school will pay the entrance fee and I'd encourage you to go. It will be fun! Bring lunch or lunch money. You'll play only other students in your same grade.
We will meet in front of Farnsworth Middle School on Walsh St. at 8:30 and carpool to Metcalf.

5th grade team LY 901, ES 808, AY 533, WT 435
7th grader team CaV 892, DmB 422, TC 665
INIT 2-Feb
LY 901
CaV 892
ES 808
PeX 681
TC 665
ST 651
LaX 564
AY 533
WT 435
DmB 422
JrC 366
ViX 360
JnV 322
VKX 312
LuX 255
EA 232
LL 121
JH 100
Init 2-Feb
JoL 319
DT 312
EtX 239
AlT 202
GY 186
GV 183
TKY 180
CY 176
CV 169
J 167
PY 166
LR 163
YuY 150
KY 150
LjH 149
VM 146
KoX 145
KeX 145
PV 145
JoT 144
NV 141
NGH 136
ABG 135
JX 135
AGH 135
CX 133
NT 130
BV 128
RY 125
AY 125
AlH 125
YaY 124
Ti 123
EX 120
AnT 120
MM 118
AL 118
KaN 115
LW 115
KR 115
CS 110
COF 110
KGW 105
NS 100

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Jan 24 Blitz Results

Tournament Results
 1 LY 3.5
 2 CV 3
 3 ES 3
 4 PX 2.5
 5 LX 2.5
 6 ST 2
 7 DB 1.5 
 7 TC 1.5
 9 VX 1.5
10 JC 1.5
10 EA 1.5
12 JV 0

CaV 887
LY 860
ES 796
PeX 674
TC 665
ST 657
LaX 605
AY 512
DH 493
WT 401
DmB 379
JrC 355
JnV 295
VKX 282
LuX 255
EA 230
BL 224
ChY 196
TCH 186
VW 173
ADT 130
LL 121

Friday, January 20, 2017

Jan 19 Ratings

Upper School - Student Showcase presentation cancelled due to shortage of participants.
CaV 877
LY 845
ES 786
PeX 664
TC 660
ST 652
LaX 595
AY 512
DH 493
WT 401
DmB 374
JrC 350
JnV 290
VKX 277
LuX 255
EA 225
BL 224
ChY 196
TCH 186
VW 173
ADT 130
Lower School
JoL 305
DT 303
EtX 218
GY 197
GV 183
AlT 182
CY 172
PY 161
CX 160
TKY 160
LR 158
YuY 149
CV 148
J 146
KoX 145
KeX 145
KY 145
PV 145
LjH 143
NV 141
V 141
JoT 139
BV 138
NGH 136
ABG 135
JX 130
NT 130
AnT 130
AGH 130
RY 125
AY 125
AlH 125
YaY 124
Ti 123
EX 120
MM 118
KaN 115
LW 115
KR 115
AL 113
CS 110
COF 105
NS 100
KGW 100

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Student Showcase next Wed.

Next Wednesday, Jan 25, is student showcase. Couldn't get enough faculty, so we're going to do 5th graders against older students. WE'll try five boards if we have enough students, else 3. 3 min time control.
Board 1 Luche (white) vs Caleb (black)
Board 2 Elvis (black) vs Pengxu (white)
Board 3 Anthony(white) vs Troy (black)
Board 4 Wahmeng (black) vs Landen(white)
Board 5 Jerome (white) vs Dmitrios (black)
5th grade alternates John and Lucian
6th-8th alternates are VangKong and Eric

CaV 877
LY 847
ES 803
PeX 668
TC 623
LaX 566
AY 512
DH 493
WT 401
JrC 375
DiB 341
JnV 290
VKX 277
LuX 255
EA 233
BL 224
ChY 196
TCH 186
VW 173
ADT 130
LL 121

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Jan 12 Ratings

Tournament Saturday at Metcalf Middle School 8:30 - 2:30 Cost $20 + lunch

CaV 855
LY 847
ES 803
PeX 666
TC 600
LaX 557
AY 512
DH 493
WT 401
JrC 365
DiB 342
JnV 290
VKX 268
LuX 240
EA 230
BL 224
ChY 196
TCH 186
VW 173
ADT 130
LL 121
Init 12-Jan
JoL 313
DT 288
EtX 199
GY 194
GV 183
CX 156
LR 153
CY 151
BV 151
JoT 150
KoX 145
LjH 143
YuY 141
PY 141
JX 140
KeX 140
KY 140
PV 140
TKY 140
AlT 140
CV 136
NV 136
NGH 136
V 136
ABG 135
YaY 135
AnT 135
AGH 130
J 125
RY 125
AY 125
AlH 125
NT 124
AL 124
EX 115
KaN 115
LW 115
KR 115
COF 115
CS 110
NS 110
MM 104
Ti 102
KGW 100

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Tournament Saturday Jan 14 at Metcalf Middle School in Burnsville.
Cost $20 or $22 plus lunch ($5).  Register at 8:30 on-site or at schooolchess.org
You may play in the regular section or get a partner and play in the double-bug tournament,

INIT 10-Jan
CaV 850
LY 832
ES 803
PeX 648
TC 601
LaX 576
AY 512
DH 493
WT 400
JrC 365
DiB 324
JnV 281
VKX 268
LuX 240
EA 238
BL 224
ChY 196
TCH 186
VW 173
ADT 130
LL 121

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Ratings after Jan 5

Tournaments the next two Saturdays at Metclaf Middle School in Burnsville. Registration 8:00-8:30 - done by 2:30. Entry fee $20 or $22 for new members. Buy your lunch there for about $5 or bring your own lunch. 


CaV 833
LY 815
ES 792
PeX 631
TC 590
LaX 567
AY 507
DH 493
WT 395
JrC 365
DiB 315
JnV 281
VKX 255
LuX 240
EA 231
BL 224
ChY 196
TCH 186
VW 173
ADT 130
LL 116

Lower School

JoL 298
DT 271
EtX 194
GV 178
LR 160
JoT 145
LjH 143
GY 142
KoX 140
YuY 136
PY 136
ABG 135
CX 135
JX 135
NT 135
KeX 135
KY 135
AL 135
PV 135
TKY 135
AlT 135
CY 134
CV 131
NV 131
NGH 131
V 131
J 130
YaY 130
AnT 130
BV 130
RY 125
AY 125
AGH 125
AlH 125
KGW 120
ToY 115
EX 115
KaN 115
LW 115
KR 115
K 115
COF 110
CS 105
NS 105

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Ratings after Jan 3

CaV 821
LY 790
ES 681
PeX 647
TC 592
LaX 567
AY 507
DH 493
WT 419
JrC 365
DiB 331
JnV 277
LuX 240
VKX 226
BL 224
EA 205
ChY 196
TCH 186
VW 173
ADT 130
LL 116