Thursday, March 26, 2015

Ratings after March 26

Upper School

Shyion 951
Chinu 904
Bobby 796
Caleb V 749
Pahlee 742
Phil 726
Victoria 723
Simon 687
Kang 639
Caleb G 627
Michael 542
Dineth 527
John 461
Aailiyah 361
Kaw 349
Chance 349
Maximilliam 349
Kong 320
Pacee 306
Sirichai 303
Kelvin 272
Lancerlot 265
Romeo 206
Benjamin 168
Xavier 167
Dahku 143
Ariel 133
Wonder 117
Antone 105
Matilda 105
Malia 100
Lower School

LuY 701
RD 507
ES 478
ArV 424
SB 397
CX 248
AnL 230
CY 216
VX 213
AC 211
NL 208
WT 206
HV 203
MM 195
TL 192
JA 188
KA 183
ZX 181
KlY 178
DL 167
AY 166
VK 165
JB 147
LB 145
JM 142
JV 140
DS 121
CC 120
DV 120
JrC 119
KH 118
AS 112
LJ 112
AnV 110
JL 108
LL 108
JnC 106
EV 100
GF 100
LiY 100
YV 100

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Ratings on March 24

The week after Spring Break we start our tournament.
Awards for top 3 overall, top Under-500 and top Under-300
in each hour.

Name 24-Mar
Shyion 962
Chinu 904
Bobby 796
Pahlee 742
Caleb V 728
Phil 726
Victoria 716
Simon 687
Kang 639
Caleb G 616
Dineth 527
Michael 523
John 461
Aailiyah 361
Maximilliam 350
Chance 349
Kaw 347
Kong 320
Pacee 306
Sirichai 303
Kelvin 272
Lancerlot 262
Romeo 205
Benjamin 168
Xavier 167
Dahku 143
Ariel 133
Wonder 117
Antone 105
Matilda 105
Malia 100
Kevin 100
Will 100

Sunday, March 15, 2015

State Tournament Results

Primary (K-3rd)
Name.. W L D Rating
Luche. 4 2 1 +35
Elvis. 3 4 0 -14
Dealir 1 6 0 -43
13th place team East Regional Trophy

Elementary (4th-6th)
Name.... W L D RATING
Caleb V. 3 4 0 +2
Victoria 3 4 0 +21
Annabel  3 4 0 -9
Caleb G. 2 4 1 -31
14th place team (1 point away from winning a team trophy)

Larry Lampert Section (7th - Adult)
Name   W L D
Simon  2 3 0 -16 (His 1st opponent was rated 1862)

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Tournament news

Highlights - Victoria leading the team for the second straight tournament with a record of 3-2 after day 1. 3rd grader Luche Yang with a  4-1 record. Both teams with an outside shot at a team trophy if we have a good day tomorrow. Be there 9:45. Report to our room, U111 first.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Ratings after March 12

Tournament Sat-Sun
Be at Breck School (no bus - call me if you need a ride and I'll arrange one) 8;45 - 4;00 on Sat, 9:45 - 1:30 on Sun.
Primary Team LuY, ES, DL
Elementary Team Victoria, Caleb V., Annabel, Caleb G

Call 651-451-8412 if you want to be a part of this.

Lower School

Init 12-Mar
LuY 660
RD 500
ES 484
SB 419
ArV 414
CX 231
AC 226
VX 213
AnL 212
WT 204
HV 203
CY 198
NL 190
TL 190
JA 188
KA 183
DL 179
ZX 179
MM 177
KlY 175
VK 162
KnY 151
AY 146
JB 143
LB 142
ST 142
JV 138
SN 134
DS 121
PT 121
DV 120
JrC 119
LJ 119
AlL 118
JM 117
JnC 114
CC 112
AnV 110
KH 110
NV 110
AS 105
EV 105
YV 105
JaC 100
JL 100
LL 100
LiY 100
RY 100
Upper School

Shyion 947
Chinu 887
Bobby 796
Pahlee 742
Phil 726
Caleb V 709
Simon 703
Victoria 680
Caleb G 647
Kang 639
Dineth 527
Michael 510
John 461
Aailiyah 361
Maximilliam 341
Chance 340
Kaw 336
Kong 307
Sirichai 296
Pacee 295
Kelvin 257
Lancerlot 255
Romeo 192
Xavier 167
Benjamin 157
Dahku 134
Ariel 122
Wonder 117
Antone 105
Matilda 105
Malia 100
Kevin 100

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Latest News

Tournament Sat-Sun March 14-15 at Breck School for grades K-6
If interested call Bill Heinemann at 651-451-8412

Seth 949
Shyion 930
Chinu 891
Bobby 796
Pahlee 742
Caleb V 703
Victoria 691
Simon 690
Kang 665
Caleb G 635
Dineth 527
Michael 510
John 461
Aailiyah 361
Maximilliam 341
Chance 336
Kong 307
Kaw 306
Sirichai 296
Pacee 295
Lancerlot 271
Kelvin 221
Romeo 212
Xavier 163
Benjamin 131
Dahku 130
Ariel 122
Malia 100
Kevin 100

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Tournament Info

Next tournament Mar 13-14 
K-6 State Championship at Breck School
Sections for K-3 and 4-6 Two day, 7-round 
Sat 9:00 - 5:00 Sun 9:45 - 1:00 Awards at 2:15. Our team room is U111
Call Mr. Heinemann 651-451-8412 to register or if you have questions
Fee is $34 you pay $17, school pays $17 if you are in Flipside afterschool activities
More info at, but call me to register.

Directions to Breck: I94 west to 394 west to Hwy 100 North to Glenwood Go east on Glenwood a few blocks then head North on Ottawa which goes into the campus. Park and head to the main entrance. Get a brochure and head to our team room U111.

Tournament Results
Simon and Seth each were awarded silver medals for having won 25 games.
(Seth I have your silver medal.)

Name.....W L D
Victoria.3 2 0
Shyion...2 3 0
Bobby....2 3 0
Simon....2 3 0
Caleb V..2 3 0
Seth.....2 3 0

I actually looked up your opponent's rating and used that to calculate the new ratings.



Shyion 952 975
Seth 895 949
Bobby 779 796
Victoria 720 691
Simon 683 679
Caleb V 671 677

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Latest Ratings and Tournament Info

Mar 7 8:30-3:30? Tournament at Metcalf - Jr High Championships
Who's coming so far:
Bobby, Caleb V, Shyion, Victoria (Luche K-3 section)
Upper School Ratings

Shyion 975
Seth 949
Chinu 891
Bobby 796
Pahlee 742
Phil 726
Victoria 691
Simon 679
Caleb V 677
Kang 665
Caleb G 630
Dineth 527
Michael 510
John 461
Aailiyah 361
Maximilliam 336
Chance 331
Kaw 306
Romeo 305
Kong 304
Sirichai 291
Pacee 290
Lancerlot 268
Kelvin 216
Xavier 158
Benjamin 131
Dahku 125
Ariel 117
Wonder 117
Antone 105
Matilda 105
Malia 100
Kevin 100
Will 100
Lower School Ratings

LuY 651
RD 490
ES 461
SB 428
ArV 409
CX 215
VX 208
TL 206
HV 203
CY 198
AC 194
DL 191
JA 188
WT 187
NL 185
KA 183
MM 177
KlY 170
AnL 163
ZX 159
AY 156
KnY 151
ST 142
VK 142
LB 141
JB 139
SN 134
DV 130
JrC 130
CC 124
AlL 118
JV 117
DS 116
LJ 115
AnV 110
NV 110
JnC 108
AS 105
JM 105
KH 105
JaC 100
LL 100
LiY 100
RY 100

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tournament Info

March 7 Saturday
Metcalf Jr. High Burnsville
Diffley Rd and Cedar Ave
Grades 5-8 8:30 – 4:00?
Jr. High Championships
K-3 and 4 will be done by 2:30
Pay at site. Cost $9 if in Chess club or

any Flipside activity, else $18

March 14-15 Saturday-Sunday
Breck School Golden Valley 
Hwy 100 and Glenwood Ave E. to Ottawa N.
Grades K-6 Grade School Championships
Sat. 8:30 – 5:00                    .
Sun. 9:45 – 1:30 Awards 2:15-3:30
Pay at site. Cost $17 if in Chess club or any Flipside activity, else $34

To register, call chess coach Bill Heinemann at 651-451-8412 or e-mail
by Friday Mar. 6, 5:00 for the Jr. High or
by Thursday Mar 12 for the one at Breck
If you need a ride or can give someone a ride, call Bill and he’ll get you connected.


Tournaments March 7 and March 14-15. Pick up a flyer in the office for details, or see next post.

Shyion 955
Seth 949
Chinu 876
Bobby 796
Pahlee 742
Phil 726
Simon 711
Kang 693
Caleb V 672
Victoria 668
Caleb G 626
Dineth 527
Michael 496
John 461
Aailiyah 361
Chance 331
Maximilliam 323
Kong 317
Romeo 309
Kaw 306
Sirichai 275
Pacee 267
Lancerlot 253
Xavier 140
Dahku 131
Benjamin 131
Ariel 120
Wonder 117
Matilda 105
Malia 100
Kevin 100
Will 100